Brazilian Keratin Blow-Dry‘s are designed to smooth out each individual hair strands making the hair more manageable to style and minimising frizz. A great result from one of these treatment Blow-Dry‘s would be a frizz free, Lustrous and overall healthy looking style, that will last. The effect from a Brazilian Keratin Blow-Dry is different depending on the natural hair type, resulting in a different and varied overall finish dependent on each individual. Some hair types may be a little kinked and frizzy and you will notice absolute sleekness, whilst others may be a very tight but frizzy curl, that will have an overall relaxed curl effect and minimized frizz.
To book yours today click the following link and choose our Brazilian Keratin Expert: Gilmar https://elkhairbody.mylocalsalon.com/onlinebooking/v7410/Steps/SelectServices.aspx