Not only does our skin look better with a little bronzing, so does our hair. Any natural brunette shade is going to work well with a bronzed Balayage or Baby-Light service. It is the perfect darker base colour to compliment these lifted, warmer hues perfectly. Not to mention how amazing the hair looks and feel with this type of colour. Not needing to lift hair to much means we can create a colour that is more gentle on the hair leaving impeccable condition and glossy shine.
At ELK Hair + Body we are OBSESSED with the power of ShadesEQ Liquid Colour. This range of toners allows us to create and infinite amount of tone that leaves the hair in such a glossy way.
Book your appointment with us today and don’t forget to add a luxury treatment to your service for ultimate conditioning goals https://home.shortcutssoftware.com/elkhairbody#/_h/sites/63018/details
Call the salon on 0203 700 1524 to book a complimentary colour consultation with one of our team.
Follow us on Instagram to check out even more of our teams beautiful hair colour creations https://www.instagram.com/elkhairandbody/